BenCab Museum and Cafe Sabel
Let it be known that I am no artist. In fact, people are quick to judge my draw stick figures and my lettering. Also, every piece of art is good to me. I can never distinguish which is good or bad, but since it’s subjective, I want to console myself by saying that it doesn’t matter. I am very easily pleased and very easily awed by the beautiful.
Suffice to say, I thoroughly enjoyed BenCab. It’s our first stop in our short Baguio Weekend, since we figured it’s quite out of the way. It’s located less than 30 minutes away from Baguio, and it’s definitely worth a visit. The museum is overlooking a valley and a well landscaped garden. There are works from different artists, and of course, Sir BenCab’s works. I’ll stop talking now, because no words can ever succeed in describing art. (Also, it will only sound presumptuous coming from me. Heh.)
February Books: In Which I Didn’t Read Much
In the movie About Time, a time traveler confesses that he uses his power for reading. When he suddenly has so much time in his hands, he opts to read books. If I also had such power, I’ll probably do the same. I seem to have not enough time to read lately. And February was a testament that I’m a slow-reader, and probably a “busy” person who procrastinates.
I only read two books last month, and it was a s t r u g g l e to finish them. To think that one is a Roald Dahl book that I can finish in one sitting, it actually took me weeks. So I’m either really busy or just really distracted. I think it’s the latter mostly because of this crybaby namja. I promise to do better this month! I try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of reading everyday. Heh. Probably not enough but hopefully it gets me somewhere on my 52 books challenge! [Read more…]
The Big, Foolish Idea
I went to Baguio thinking it’s my much needed break from a very stressful work life. I thought I’d come back energized and motivated to work. It’s not that my workload is intensely unbearable, but I find myself dreading Mondays and wondering if I really have to go to the office. Everyday is becoming a chore, and it’s not doing any good to my mental and emotional stability. I mope around much more than I should.
I went to Baguio thinking I’ll be refreshed after the short vacation, but it actually worsened what I’m feeling. I now crave to be on the road again and to be away from the computer (unless it’s oppa related, of course). I now wish to be seated in an outdoor cafe feeling extremely cold, yet warmed by a cup of good coffee.
I think my patience is wearing thin. My family has long predicted that I wouldn’t last in an office job, but look at me going on my fourth year as an office worker. I think I’m reaching my limit. I wake up tired and go to sleep tired even on days when I didn’t do much at all. Everyday I feel like doing something drastic just to add a bit of spice in a relatively monotonous lifestyle. This is probably why I choose to kill myself by attending a class three nights a week. At least I have something to look forward to. At least I’m learning something new. [Read more…]