It’s not the first Halloween party I attended, but it’s definitely the most memorable!
On the 31st, we had a Mad Hatter Party at the office. We didn’t have to dress up but we had to wear hats or any kind of headdress. I had no intention of going all out and was just intending to wear a floral crown or maybe a headband. Then Jinky suggested that I do Chopper because I’m obsessed with Tony Tony Chopper! He’s the cutest tanuki reindeer ever. My sister and cousin helped me with the hat because I’m artistically challenged. But I made the wrong measurements so it was too big! It was supposed to look cute on me but it ended up freaky. Haha. No regrets, though.
Most of my officemates went all out and wore the most ridiculous and creative head pieces ever! Ate Ninay won first place because she wore the most elaborate feathery headdress and Eunise won second for her creative cemetery hat! If I were the judge, I would have a hard time picking the three winners. We also had a few games and I won a loot bag! Yay candies. I never went trick or treating as a kid, so yes, I missed out on quite a lot.
As a kid, I also didn’t dress up for Halloween. But now that I’m an adult, I realize that it’s actually very fun! It’s the kind of party a silly and childish me really likes. I wish to attend more Halloween parties in the future. And if possible, try on more outrageous costumes and makeup. This is just the start, my dear friend.