To tell you honestly, I am quite not sure where I found the time to read seven books in a month. When I look back at March, I realized that I actually went out a lot more than usual. (I’m a homebody, remember?) Maybe it’s because I read three thin novels that’s why I managed to read 7. I told you I pretty much have all the time in the world. I love my job, I can do anything I want after work hours. Anyway, even though I’ve read two books more than usual, I still can’t say March is a good reading month. The books I read for this month didn’t evoke that much emotion from me. Heh. [Read more…]
The Bottomless Pits
My high school barkada and I were supposed to go to Liliw today. But that all changed due to the time (we were two hours behind sched) and the sweltering heat. We end up staying in San Pablo and went diner-hopping. We refused to go to SM San Pablo and opted to eat at different dining places, instead. I have no idea how we managed to do it! I wasn’t able to take pictures of everything I ate: Steak with rice, Sans Rival, Brazo de Mercedes, Rocky Road cheesecake, Tonkatsu, Suki Potatoes, Sisig, Liemposilog, and Choco Sundae. Just typing all that makes me exhausted (ok, not really) so I really don’t know how I managed to eat everything! We ate at Si Christina (highly recommended!), RCC, Suki, and Joel Town ‘D Original Liemposilog.
The entire day wasn’t enough to bond. I demand a sleepover!
Fangirls Unite
The Past Six Months
It’s weird how everyday at work, I write and write about things that aren’t remotely related to me; then when I sit down to finally write the things I really want, they seem harder to come out. I’ve been thinking about this entry since last week but I couldn’t force myself to write.
It’s been six months since I signed my first working contract. It’s been six months since I left unemployment and the millions of uncertainties. It’s been six months since I moved to Makati. It’s been six months since I started work. Besides my longer hair, I can’t seem to think of anything else that has completely or evidently changed. [Read more…]
52 Books: February Books
Another late 52 Books post but this time, I tried to input more into my reviews. February was a really good reading month. Also, I read two classics. That’s quite something considering I rarely read classics. Thank heavens for book sales!
1. Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk
Rant is a book I randomly bought simply because I wanted to read the works of Chuck Palahniuk. I read some reviews of this book before actually reading it.. The reviews were disheartening so I postponed reading this for about five months. It was a lucky day, though, when I finally peeled off the plastic cover and started reading. I immensely enjoyed Rant even though Palahniuk used an unconventional format. Maybe it’s even because of this format that drew me quickly to the book. The shift of POVs were quick and sudden so I got confused at first. But after about two chapters, I got used to the format.
The story line is quite confusing but any story line involving time travel can surely confuse me. But there’s something so consistent about his writing. What I also like is how he managed to make each character different from one another. There are so many POVs but each one has a distinct quality. Rant, though his POV isn’t included in the story, comes alive through the tales shared by the other characters.
I am eager to read another Palahniuk book. I already have Pygmy but I don’t think I am ready for that. But I really, really want to read Invisible Monsters. [Read more…]