I’ve been a quitter for too long. It’s about time I stop.
Let’s just say that 2012 will be the year that I will live to the fullest and hope I won’t die from doing too much. I’ve always been so nonchalant towards everything. But this year, I promise to care and to interact more. To live more.
If the world will truly end on Dec. 21 of this year (I doubt it, though!), then I promise to stop spending too much time indoors. I just promise to stop holding back and to start giving more. More everything. Heh. I’ve been living far too long within my comfort zone. I’ve already mentioned here how even palm reading got a tad too boring for me. Apparently, even my palm agrees that my life is too smooth-smailing. I blame it on the fact that I rarely encounter anything challenging or unusual, though.
If life wouldn’t give me an adventure, then I will chase after it. I will go far and wide just to have a taste of a life on edge. Come on, I want to feel infinite, too!
I don’t even know what to call these things I plan on doing. Goals, maybe? I don’t know. All I know is that these are the things I really, really want to do this year. I realized that posting my plans online makes me commit to it more. [Read more…]