What’s a better way to end the year but by celebrating being a fangirl?
Every KPOPCON, I plan on attending but there’s always something stopping me. It’s usually just because I didn’t feel like a big enough fan to join the festivities. But for the last KPOPCON, I decided that I wanted to buy some merchandise so there was nothing stopping me. (I actually wanted to buy a lot of things but it didn’t occur me that I would need TONS of money to buy everything. Yeah. </3)
I’m so glad I went! I was supposed to go back to Laguna that day and I didn’t really have anyone to go with. Alie wasn’t sure if she could make it, but I told myself that instances like this rarely happens. Besides, I was high on fangirl spirit at that time because of We Got Married. Heh.
Going to Ortigas was quite an adventure since I hadn’t been there by myself. It was quite scary but the KPOPCON FB page provided directions so I followed my heart (and my friends’ instructions) and prayed that I wouldn’t get lost. When I arrived at Megamall, I asked the guards for directions on how to reach Megatent. Apparently, I looked like a fangirl that other fangirls approached me! I guess I gave off a vibe or something. Hee. I made two friends that day, Jen and Louise! They were the ones who approached me in megamall. We went to Megatent together because they also didn’t know the way. Heh.
Do fangirls have this certain aura? Even the FX drivers know at first sight that we were on our way to KPOPCON. When we entered the FX, it was already filled with other fans. I am easily amused by things like this.