Mr. Crazy Baboy is a Korean grill restaurant in Los Baños near the UPLB campus. It’s one of the Korean restaurants that sprouted in Elbi for the past few years.
And by the past few years, I actually meant the years after I graduated from the university! Why were there suddenly tons of Korean restaurants and cafes and even a student organization for KPOP fans after I left? Where were you when I had no college friends and when I spent years wondering when I could finally try samgyupsal? I swear, greater things happened after I graduated. Anyway.
I don’t visit Elbi as much as I want to, but my sister, who regularly does, brags about the new restaurants she tries everytime she visits. So when we spent an entire day in UPLB for her pre-nuptial shoot, we had dinner at a Korean restaurant right after.
I’m not sure if it’s because I haven’t had samgyupsal in months, but I seriously enjoyed everything we ordered that night. 10/10 would recommend. [Read more…]