My adam’s apple says hi!
After months of wondering if I can really invest on a domain and a week of pestering my officemate and hours of tweaking the theme and redirecting the old blog, I’ve finally set up my new home online! And this time, I hope that it lasts for years and years and years.
For the last 3 years, I’d been blogging at Nakawtingin (which now redirects here hihi). It was my companion from the first few months right after graduation up until this month. I had the option of leaving it behind and just transferring all my contents here, then deleting that blog. But I opted to transfer all the my files and posts and comments and whatnot AND redirect it to this blog. Nakawtingin’s too close to my heart for me to just disregard it forevaaah.
The most difficult bit is deciding on a domain name (I wanted nakawtingin.com!!!) and coming up with a new blog title. I suck (!!!) at coming up with good and not-cheesy titles. My first choice was From Me to You (Kimi ni Todoke lol) because it sounds romantic or whatever. The second choice was heart of a (fan) girl. Yes, small caps because it’s cute. But it also sounds hella cheesy so I scrapped that. Then that’s when I decided on Oh My, Janey! because I remember my now inactive Tumblr blog ohmydrivel. Actually, Oh My Drivel is a runner-up, too. But I was afraid no one would read my blog because they’ll think I’m just spewing drivel. Mehehe.
So now, I’ll try to embrace Oh My, Janey! even though I will miss Nakawtingin. But you see, I’ve always wanted a domain! But I’m just so lazy and I thought it’ll be really expensive. Good thing it’s not so yay new home! I think the only word that can describe how I feel right now it kilig. I didn’t know I could feel kilig for a blog.
I’m so so so excited to share new adventures with this blog. I’ve always been a blogger, but I have learned to stay away from blogging too much personal stuff haha. Hopefully, I can blog frequently and meet more people. Wish me luck, please! You know how my motivation often runs short. Hehehe.
(Text bubbles source.)
Ganda naman ng adam’s apple, ganda din ng sig <3 i love everything about it! Good luck babe! Congrats!
Haha! Thanks, May! Sana di ako taparin mag-post haha! Mwaaaah love love love you! 🙂
Congrats Janey! Bet ko ung parang washi tape design for your profile pic sa gilid!
Thank you Raissa! 🙂 Uso eh, nakigaya lang ako. Haha!
Congrats! 🙂
Thank you! 🙂