Last week, I had the opportunity (I don’t think that’s the right word!) to ride a taxi on my own. I’ve been living in Makati for a year and a half and I think I’ve only ridden on a taxi thrice. Heh. Anyway, I was left no options last week since I had a flight to catch.
I’m one of the cheapest persons you’d probably meet. Riding taxis is a no-no because I refuse to shell out a hundred bucks just to go somewhere within the city. Also, I am terrified of riding taxis because of all the horror stories I’ve heard since I was a kid. I’d choose riding cramped public vehicles over taxis on normal circumstances. I don’t have that many qualms about commuting, anyway. Remember when I got lost in Makati and was even happy about it? Yeah.
I was deprived from commuting back in college. Since I stayed in a dormitory during weekdays, I only had the opportunity to ride jeepneys whenever I need to go data-gathering. I remember begging my mother to let me go home by myself but they refused. My last wish as a college student was to go home on my own, commuting by myself. But even that little wish was left unanswered.
So when I got the chance to live somewhere far from home, I abused commuting as much as possible. The excitement of riding a jeepney to someplace is starting to wear thin, but I still think it’s still better than not knowing how to get to one place without having to ride a taxi or a private vehicle. I’ve had more than my fair share of misfortunes when it comes to commuting, too, so I’m not sure why I’m still rooting for it.
Anyway, I had to get to NAIA terminal 1 before 4:30PM because two of my closest cousins, Irish and Ruby, were leaving for Italy. I was determined to get there on time because it would be a pity if I wouldn’t even be able to say goodbye. Ruby is coming back this April to continue her studies, but Irish is staying there for good. Of all my cousins, I’m closest in age with Irish. We pretty much grew up together. I had to reach the airport on time because I had to say goodbye to one of my oldest friends.

No amount of editing can make me look decent in this photo. Haha. But I have no other photo that day!
I had quite a lot of firsts that day! It was my first time to ride a taxi and you have no idea how nervous I was. I kept texting Alex the plate number of the taxi, and kept trying to keep my cool. I didn’t want the taxi driver to notice how new I am at this whole taxi-riding thing. I almost got into a fight with the driver, actually. I just don’t understand why some are always asking for additional pay when the taxi meter is running even during traffic! It’s ridiculous really. I add that to my numerous reasons why I don’t like taxis.
Also, it was the first time that I arrived at work before 6:00AM! I was the earliest in our entire department and I made sure to brag about it the whole day. It’s a rare occasion, you know.
I had a tumbler with me so I’d look busy and mature. Haha! I have always thought that people carrying tumblers while walking around or running errands look so busy and professional. I know I look like a kid and it was the only way I could think of to look like a lady. But Ayessa said I only looked like a rich kid. I’ll take that as compliment. I also tried to read A Dance with Dragons but I was too nervous and excited. I was nervous because what if kuyang driver is one of the evil taxi drivers I’ve heard of? (But he’s no, thankfully!) And I was excited because I was a riding a taxi. Alone. Anyway, I still haven’t finished the book because I’m a slow reader.
I arrived at the airport in one piece! I know, I was pretty surprised, too. Heh. I arrived a bit early though since my cousins and my parents still weren’t there. But I didn’t have to wait too long because they arrived a few minutes after me. They really were running late since they had a 5:50PM flight and it was past 4:30 already. We had really little time to chit-chat. I surely miss them but I’m also really happy for the two since they can finally be with their parents after so many years. I only wish for them to be happy, and I know that living in a foreign country is hard but they’re with their family now.
We exchanged goodbyes and hugs and kisses, but we had to let go quick. I cried a few tears which I seem to be doing a lot lately. When we were standing outside, I kept thinking that I won’t be seeing Irish for years and that made me cry again. I don’t know. I shared a life with her and it’s just sad that she’s no longer a few cartwheels away. She’s really the most boisterous out of my cousins, the craziest but probably the most genuine person, too. I just love her to pieces.
As for Ruby, she’ll be coming home soon so I’ll just pretend I won’t miss her. To end this post, here’s a picture of her with their girly suitcases, one of which I’ll be borrowing really soon. Hee.
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