What’s a better way to end the year but by celebrating being a fangirl?
Every KPOPCON, I plan on attending but there’s always something stopping me. It’s usually just because I didn’t feel like a big enough fan to join the festivities. But for the last KPOPCON, I decided that I wanted to buy some merchandise so there was nothing stopping me. (I actually wanted to buy a lot of things but it didn’t occur me that I would need TONS of money to buy everything. Yeah. </3)
I’m so glad I went! I was supposed to go back to Laguna that day and I didn’t really have anyone to go with. Alie wasn’t sure if she could make it, but I told myself that instances like this rarely happens. Besides, I was high on fangirl spirit at that time because of We Got Married. Heh.
Going to Ortigas was quite an adventure since I hadn’t been there by myself. It was quite scary but the KPOPCON FB page provided directions so I followed my heart (and my friends’ instructions) and prayed that I wouldn’t get lost. When I arrived at Megamall, I asked the guards for directions on how to reach Megatent. Apparently, I looked like a fangirl that other fangirls approached me! I guess I gave off a vibe or something. Hee. I made two friends that day, Jen and Louise! They were the ones who approached me in megamall. We went to Megatent together because they also didn’t know the way. Heh.
Do fangirls have this certain aura? Even the FX drivers know at first sight that we were on our way to KPOPCON. When we entered the FX, it was already filled with other fans. I am easily amused by things like this.
We lined up for more than hour! I couldn’t believe the number of people already there. It was still quite early and apparently, fangirls are early birds. But it’s not just fangirls, though, there were also fanboys. I was quite happy to see so many people wearing AKTF shirts! The last time I went to a fan gathering was back on 2007 and we were barely a hundred. Anyway, we lined up for more than an hour and everyone’s already turning grumpy because of the unbearable heat. I even saw someone faint and that’s pretty understandable.
It was quite a relief to finally enter the place. But alas, inside proved to be hotter than outside. There wereprobably thousands in the place. There were so many booths and every booth was packed with fans. It was quite amazing! I parted with my newfound friends because they decided to join the activities and I just really wanted to buy some DBSK shirts. Also, I couldn’t stay long because I had somewhere else to go. Huhu.
I saw Jimmy Kim from Mykoreanboyfriend.com!
I went to every booth just to see what’s inside. I couldn’t take much photos because I was sooooo tired. Also, there were too many people that taking photos only lead me to take photos of heads and arms and other bother parts. I was also carrying a bunch of plastic bags because I decided to go shopping. Lulz. By this point, I was already ready to faint from the heat, exhaustion, and hunger.
Going to KPOPCON all by myself didn’t stop me from taking photos with standees! I was all sweaty and gross but I didn’t care. It’s not everyday that I get to see life-size versions of my favorite boys. Also, I saw some booths selling mini standees! HOMG. I wanted to buy one but I didn’t have enough money. /sobbing
With Yong! and Jungshin. Heehee. CN Blue is my recent KPOP obsession. I am in love with their songs. The fact that they play instruments and compose their own music make me appreciate them more. I listen to their music non-stop, especially when I’m working.
But of course, I couldn’t NOT take a photo op with JaeJoong’s and ChangMin’s standees! Too bad I didn’t notice that I was blocking a part of ChangMin’s face. Huhuhu. I also registered in DBSK’s official PH fan club! I need to attend the 9th Cassph gathering so I can get my membership ID. Hee.
I didn’t want to leave! The program started at around 1:30 and I had to leave by 2PM. Sigh. Sigh. And my favorite blogger in the world was hosting! I really had to drag myself out of the place. I had a pretty good time, though, and I cannot wait for the next KPOPCON. By that time, I promise to like more boybands and to finish the whole thing.
Here are some of the merchs I bought from the event:
I wanted to buy so many other things! Like the High Cut magazines, CN Blue’s First Step album, Tohoshinki’s Best Selection Album, a YongSeo Couple shirt (that I didn’t see anywhere!) and a bunch of other things that didn’t fit my budget. Can the next KPOPCON come much faster? I cannot wait to be surrounded by so many fangirls agaaaaaain.
AHHHHH! YONGHWA AND JUNGSHIN!!! I soooo envy you! Huhuhu.
Dapat pumunta ka rin! Hahaha. Nalungkot ako kasi di ako nakapagpapicture kay JongHyun. 😐